Monday, March 03, 2014

Apologies in Advance to Lionel Richie ;)


I’ve been at home with you
behind the blinds,
and daily I have read your lips
a thousand times.
I sometimes think I hear you
through the door….
Is it me you’re shouting for?
I can see I’ve not heard right,
‘cause you show it in your smile.
When all I’ve ever wanted is to
talk with you a while.
‘Cause you know I don’t hear right
you really know just what to do,
Though signing is too much and
hard for you.

I longed to hear the birds again out there.
And tell you I can hear your voice
from down the stairs.
Sometimes it seemed my batteries were low…
Now I have to let you know!
That the CI works a charm
and I’m so much better off.
Can you understand how diff’rently
I’m hearing so much stuff!
Tell me that you think it’s great!
I just didn’t have a clue,
it would be so fabby baby…
thanks to you.

Is it me you’re shouting for?
Now you know my CI’s on
And there’s nothing left to do. 
Are you somewhere up the stairs now?
Am I irritating you?
Come on let’s go practice more
For I haven’t got a clue.
But let me start by saying… 
it’s all true.


Pleased to hear if you have any comment...keep it clean, I will not be monitoring things.