Tuesday, March 18, 2014

All snazzied up

I've pimped my CI! And the remote too.

You can get these stickers for any model of CI (as you can for your mobile), even with your own pictures if you like. I chose Van Gogh's 'Starry Night', an old favourite of mine. Not expensive at all.
Here they are, showing back and front of the remote control unit:

The remote control is hysterical really. I have to point it at my head when switching programmes, or adjusting volume. I find myself picking it up and pointing it at the TV which naturally, is of no use to anyone. It's just that, pointing a remote at your head -it's weird!

Of course, every time I have the thing in my hand I'm singing Don McLean now too! It's getting annoying hahaha. But have a listen.

Actually, listening, on my computer, is not as easy right now as I only have the one hearing aid that is tuned in to my streamer (which is great for me to hear music with or talk on Skype). I still have to work out how to get the CI connected. Perhaps it's not possible? I also still have to dig out the extra mics I have had for years already. Apparently they are also ideal as extras with the Rondo.

Tomorrow is tune-up day again. I have had a fortnight with the louder settings and it's been all good, have to say. I did not use the 'old' settings even once. So much louder but not problematic even a little bit. 

Birds are sounding even more bird like - I hadn't realised fully at first that it was just electronic noises that were coming through. So much more birdified now (it's a word - because I say so). Real twitters and tweets, trills and whistles. I'm not a birder by any means, but it's so nice to hear. I do still have (fainter than at first) these strange high pitched rattlings, accompanying all sounds... some more than others... and I suppose when things are adjusted tomorrow (harder again?) these will increase once more. They are a bit of a hindrance, but only a bit, and with the knowledge that they will eventually go, I don't really mind them. But I must remember not to act like they're no bother at all as perhaps they can make adjustments to minimise them too.

It still amazes me of course that, despite the CI being so much louder, really, streets ahead louder, it's not too loud. When you make a hearing aid louder, there is only so much it gives you, and things are by no means clearer because of being louder (again, which is why talking loudly to a person with hearing difficulties really does not work). So they are limited in comparison. Yet as loud as the CI sounded at first switch on, it has been made about 6 stages even louder since then! And it's a comfortable sound, very quickly. I suppose my brain does work (contrary to popular opinion hehehe).

We have been practicing with the listening homework I've been given. Not every day, but enough. Not hearing everything said, but now wondering if everyone does always hear everything everyone says? Is there a margin of error... so to speak? Still, it's no big deal to practice and it's interesting to try, just with the CI on and no hearing aid at first, then with the HA in... testing the difference. I look forward too to having a proper test with the CI in then out. I want to see the results there :)

This week we go twice to the UMC, Wednesday and Thursday. I will go alone tomorrow but Thursday we see the Social Worker too. Curious to know what she will have to say. Now in my 6th week since SOday I'm not sure that I'll have much more to report on my CI journey. It's already getting a bit samey and I don't want to be a complete bore about it all. 

I may well just really 'blether' for the sake of it!

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