Sunday, April 12, 2020

She THREW my phone!

Wait, let me tell you what happened.

She'd asked me if I had a tablet and could she borrow it, just for a second, she needed to do... something.
I'm nothing if not compliant (who said that at the back there?) and gave her it with a smile. 'Sure, just get it back to me.'
Then we all filed into this big room, like a cinema except, kitchen chairs, and I saw her up on the dais there and was just about to grab her attention, 'I'm here, so you know...' and she fired my phone, overhand! whoosh, over to someone away over there!
Well, I wasn't too chuffed with that and shouted 'what the hell?'
She just waved at me and sat down!
So I'm not having it and march over to where the other girl is bending down to pick up my phone... which had better not be broken!... and she just looks up at me like 'what's your problem?' and I snatch my tablet from her and march out in indignation, shaking an imaginary fist at the lot of them. I'm out of there!

And then I woke up.

Now, I do not have such a relationship with my phone! Do I? I know I look at the thing regularly, like every time the adverts come on haha, but why would I dream about it's possible demise. We have actually only recently discussed, what do we do if the laptops go wonky on us (skint, so nowt to replace them with), so I suppose that counts for phones too and I am overdue an upgrade but... no, it can't be that.

So, I'm left wondering:

1. Who were these people I'm in a group with?
2. Where was this and why?
3. Why would I ever lend my phone out to anyone without a worry?
4. Why didn't I recognise any of them?
5. What the hell goes on in my head at times?

Answers to my own questions:

1. I sort of thought, Tai Chi folks? (but that's was years ago) Deafies? (not one person I knew and I didn't get the idea anyone was hard of hearing AND everybody spoke English anyway.
2. Really not a clue, not been in such a place with the kitchen chairs. I don't think?
3. I wouldn't. You can't really anyway, no use surely?
4. Dreams where you don't know a soul freak me the hell out!
5. Don't ask. Sometimes it's amazing so I enjoy it :)

If nothing else, it's fodder for on here.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

The incident in the night

I was up for a pee at daft o'clock so, dived back under the duvet, as you do.
What I then always do is reach over and give him a wee tap, just to check like. Even if we're not speaking, I do it, hoping he's asleep but never knowing either way. I just need to do it.

Being deaf in bed (no CI or aid in) I don't hear breathing or snoring (every cloud eh?) so, I chase the heebiejeebies with a wee feel, see he's still alive. To be fair, it's not the best method. He could have died 2 minutes since and not be cold yet. Or he could die five minutes later. Or he could be lying there having had a stroke and not able to reach me. I wouldn't hear and a quick feel wouldn't tell me. But it has become a sort of ritual, to me anyway. Probably more of an annoyance to him, on the occasions he perhaps notices.

But this time was different. As my, probably freezing, from washing my hands in cold water, hand, reached in and under his duvet, I encountered, not an arm, not even a back or a side, but, well... you know. At first tippy finger, the dead-to-the-world J sat bolt upright with a yell. I myself let out a screech (probably, didn't hear so who knows) and my heart was in my mouth. He then flopped back down and went right back to sleep (probably... deaf etc.)

As my heartbeat subsided to normal levels, I was left chuckling to myself. Reliving the fright, enjoying it more in hindsight.
Took me a few minutes to drift off again but it was a nice way to fall asleep really. Smiling, no worries, no diedy lying next to me that's for sure.

It's the little things eh?