Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Birds!

And not 'strictly for...' either! I'm just lovin' it, I really am.

I just can't believe what I'm hearing. If I lift the Rondo just off it's magnet, say a millimeter, I get nothing! Not a peep, not even via the HA in the right ear. Drop it back down and WHAM... the birds just explode into my head. Such a lovely, lovely sound. I really had no idea I'd been missing it all this time. It's no wonder I don't hear bits of gossip! And believe me that's a huge miss hahaha. Now wondering if that will pick up too :)

It's just, I find myself daydreaming as I'm walking through the park/woodland with Luna and can't imagine now that it was quite so silent before... but can just lift off my CI to be reminded. I know you're probably thinking 'yeah yeah, we get it, the birds yeah, you can hear them, yeah yeah'... and I don't mean to bore but jeezo... it's so cool. It's a noise that, well, isn't noisy. It's a peaceful sound, very relaxing. Not irritating at all. I wouldn't care if I never heard the spin cycle on the washing machine ever again (for instance) but this... how come I didn't miss it, until I got to hear it again?  Perhaps I was just protecting myself... in a way? Just forgot all about it. Would be depressing otherwise... maybe?

Anyway, I just really wanted to mention, again, about the birdsong a CI gives you back. Who the hell knows what kind of birds, garden birds mostly of course, and I suppose I can figure out a blackie from a sparrow, but other than that... just birds. I finally managed to pinpoint one blackbird, but he was still too far off for me to see singing even with my specs on. Here he is:

'blackbird singing in the....' erm day-time
I've made some new friends via the CI too... have to say. Also new wearers, it's good to discuss things with them. 'How long do your batteries last?' (various models) 'what do you hear now?' and 'where did you get the stickers?' It's nice to be in the same boat, so to speak, and helpful. I can really recommend trying to meet others or have contact at least online, who also have a CI. Some folks have had it way worse than me, but not for long, and others have had problems with hearing for longer, but not so bad. Everyone has a different story to tell... all very interesting. I have yet to read a negative result (at least from a hard of hearing person) about their CI. All have improved to a significant degree... so even just that is very heartening.

One 'noise' I do worry about is these really minimal little ticks and peeps I hear late at night coming from the kitchen. 'Noise' in inverted commas as it's only just to be heard... but it is a sound. I think it could be the fridge or freezer dripping? J doesn't hear it at all so it's got me freaking a bit that it's mice I'm hearing as I'm pretty sure I saw a mouse in the attic a few weeks back (and the hair is standing up on my head just writing about that - bloody fright!) I try to ignore it, but it's only at night. It's not happening right now and it's quiet here at the moment so... w.t.f? I'm actually too scared to investigate further as well... it's at night! And what if it is mice? Hahaha. So. Just to prove that not all the extra sounds a CI provides are entirely welcome, but I'm still so happy to have been given one.

1 comment:

  1. You could be a poster child for the CI association. I hope they are following your blog. Happy that it is working for you and you get to hear the birds and other stuff. Put out some mousetraps and trap the wee beggars. Or sweep the floor more often as you must be leaving them crumbs. LOL


Pleased to hear if you have any comment...keep it clean, I will not be monitoring things.