Thursday, February 13, 2014

Ist Full Day

... of wearing a CI, is today.

I got up at the toot (which is not that early by other folks' standards) and took the dog out for the first time in ages. J has had to do all walks for weeks now, me being so dizzy, and of course, most everything else for months already with me and my broken wrist. But the wrist is (almost) normal again, and the dizzies have gone... woohoo.

I realised I now have to dry my hair after my shower as otherwise couldn't do my clunk-click... only ever needed to dry my ear off before now. I also can't wear my cap! I have loads of caps... there will be many who heave a sigh of relief that I no longer need persuaded not to wear one... well bugger the lorra ye, I like my caps! Will have to find something I can wear as, summer or winter, I like my caps! Summer - sun out of eyes. Winter, rain and cold off head. I don't by any means suit a hat in general, and according to comments, not all my caps either hahaha, but I feel bald without one now. hmmmm

Luna was very patient... and then we were off. I walked her longer than I normally would as I am of course practicing hearing. Where's all the birds?! Right through a wooded bit... nowt!... and then I realised, those little tickety-tick-ticks... that's the birds! I'm hearing loads of wee whistles and peeps and general ticks and bloops, but in patterns. It's wee bird songs. Not an ornithologist by any stretch of the imagination, and still not seeing any... oh wait, there's a wee blue-tit.. and a blackie... I don't really know which is singing what but it's definitely the birds. Not to be confused with 'strictly for the...'

A wood pigeon... have always managed to hear them anyway, but now it sounds different. Dog barking...WTF? hahaha that really sounds different. Two ducks fly over... HAH... not right yet but I can hear 'em. Have a bit of bother with the wind and hope the 'fireworks' popping sounds soon decrease as goodness knows there is plenty of wind in NL.

Isn't the brain a weird bloody thing? It's so clever! The tin can sound is gone (at this level) but I'm left with a 'fork ticking on a glass' at almost every sound... I'm sure that'll go soon too. This is CI only eh? No hearing aid in!

I gave up using the CI for listening to the tv via the loop yesterday evening as that just didn't seem right. Will try with sound ON on the TV later, but don't intend doing that as the norm... I LIKE not having the sound on... and I know J does and understand why (always too loud of course) But just to see how it sounds.

My streamer doesn't seem to work with it... will need to have that investigated and take it with me next time. I'm sure I'm just doing something silly, but I need that for listening to anything via the computer (Skype calls for instance) or even music on my phone and indeed using the phone for calls (which I rarely do but would like to do more and may indeed manage without the streamer anyway soon).

Music from the stereo was unrecognisable but will practice more with that too and use the same music just to be sure... it's very early days and I still hope that will come good but of course still have my HAs for that... at a pinch.

I haven't used the CI with the higher volume yet, want to try it 'as is' for a whiley so I can judge the difference better... same goes for using programme 2 which should also be an advancement but will also still need acclimatising to.

Stupid American spelling checker on here makes me doubt stuff so often. I know I can 'add to dictionary' but need a UK spellchecker. Computer buff that I am (ahem) I'm sure I've added one a hundred times already but have given up trying to get it to work. Programme is spelled with two Ms and an E!

Just a wee word about my man... he's had a bit of time of it with me since November (the unplanned-for breaking of the wrist) and now this. He's always done so much - I never have to shop or cook or wash a dish - but has had even more to do for so long. I know it's not been easy and at times it's like he never has a minute for himself and is always having to do stuff for me - not always without complaint hahaha, that would be too silly, but he does it, and I couldn't have managed without him. He has his own health problems that do rather seem to be swept aside but I am still thinking of you J... just haven't really been much up to demonstrating that. It's too easy to say 'I'd do the same for him', which of course I would, only probably not so well (and I'm sure he has nightmares about me having to shop - aka bankrupt us, and cook - aka feed him on scrambled eggs for a month... but I'd really never manage it as well as he has. So thank you J. It is appreciated.

Now, no more typing or blogging for a few days I think... arm is better but still hurts typing with two hands so don't want to overdo it. I go back to UMC next Wednesday for a hearing test, adjustments and speech therapy. Nine o'clock we've to be there!! Not too happy about that, witness my 'early' rise today. Perhaps before then I will write how things have been in week 1.

1 comment:

Pleased to hear if you have any comment...keep it clean, I will not be monitoring things.