Friday, November 19, 2021


I have to be more positive.

All this Covid shite - it’s hard to see the good side to that, though. There isn’t a good side to that!

Mind you, there are nice little news items of people helping people. Selflessly like. Of course, there are nice things out there, uplifting stuff. Just need to be more open to it. All the clapping for nurses is long gone I noticed.

Never realised this vibe of negativity before. That’s not me. I’m a wee ray o’ sunshine, me! Am I not?

Apparently not. Well, that’s depressing! I don’t want to be contributing to anyone else’s ‘hard times’ so… have to think. Have to just be more positive. Now that I’m confronting myself with this, it turns out to be harder than I’ve ever imagined it to be. I’m a ‘glass half full’ kind of gal, me. I am!

I’m the one always looking for the bright side to things. Excusing really bad actions by… whoever… strangers even, as ‘must be a reason for them doing that’.

I’m the one who doesn’t get immediately mad at slights or put-downs as ‘not meant that way’… I’m always looking for the positives. I’m not cynical at all. Am I? Have I become so?

Maybe it’s an age thing? Accounting for all the grumpy old folks out there hah! Maybe even the happiest person gets cut down with the mounting pile of pure badness in the world, the longer they live?

Wait though, this is not being positive, this is looking for crap stuff and reasons for miserableness.  Okay. Right. Positive. Think fairies and unicorns and rainbows and wee baby toes and cute grandkids and Christmas coming and ‘next year will be good' and… sure, even the news does the ‘happy last item’ to cheer folks up after half an hour or so of gloom and doom. 

Right. It’s autumn, the place is looking lovely with the sun shining down today, leaves turning all shades of gorgeous and (dead hedgehogs aside) that should be enough to cheer anyone up. Even if you’re sick… with the Covid. Or if you’re stuck in hospital having just broken a hip, like the old neighbour, or… no, going wrong again.

This is hard! Positive, positive. Count my blessings, sure. That helps. There are many, I do know it. I’m still in love, know I’m loved, have a lovely family all round, all healthy, all doing well. Fabulous grandkids, can’t see some because of Covid… but no, not that… all doing great at school. We’re in good health, sun is shining… damn, said that already. Covid, Covid, Covid is all I keep returning to right now.

Seriously, it taints everything. Instead of ‘can’t travel yet’, maybe I should say, ‘we’ll be able to travel soon’? See the wee spin I put on that? Is that not just trying to fool myself though? No, no, I’m just bucking myself up. I’ll need to watch that though, can’t be going around with blinkers to the shit-storm that is the world right now. Or maybe I should think of that as ‘a world in crisis which is on the way to being a better place for all!’ There you go!

See, I can do it. I honestly think this is quite new for me, this ‘sounding negative’ but do think it’s also to do with waking up, somewhat. Finally waking up to the fact… fact!... that not everyone is a nice person, even if you do try to believe it until stamped-on-your-face-proven. I think, too, that I blame the Big Orange Creep that troubled the world for far too long recently. And his Blow Job of a counterpart this side of the Atlantic. We’ve all been bombarded with their horribleness for so long it’s a wonder the world still exists at all. If they’re not the epitome of negativity and all things worrisome… well…

Goodness, that went downhill again, fast. I’m almost thinking that the most positive I can come up with is ‘I’m trying to be positive’! I will keep at it. Underneath, deep inside, I’m a positive person. Honestly. I’m thinking too, that maybe people notice it more when I’m negative (sounding) because they don’t expect it from me? Others get away with it more because it’s the way they’ve always been? My theory. All this reminds me about the likes of Robin Williams… now there’s a case in point. Comedians - spend their lives making people laugh and it turns out they’re themselves constantly deeply depressed. Did they use their humour to pull themselves through the day, or what?

I’m not depressed, not at all… wee tad despondent at various times, sure… I want to travel! I know I’m not alone there though. Especially now, we’re all in the same boat… oh don’t start me on refugees in boats. Positive, positive.

Lots of lovely people help refugees. Including the guy on trial right now, in Greece, accused of people-trafficking while only trying to help (I’m convinced!). Sure he will be vindicated. Yes, I’m sure. See I can do it. Just don’t think of why he even felt the need to go help anyway. Nope, not thinking of it.

I don’t want to just not think of things though. If everyone just shut their eyes to realities in the world where would that take us all? Bad things would happen for sure. We have folks on the ball though, right? Folks that will oh… make new vaccinations available, invent things to help the world survive climate impact, cure cancer finally... all of that. And I know the world will return to normal soon. Even if it’s a ‘new normal’. A liveable, happy, shiny world where truth and kindness prevails. We’re heading there right now. I just know we are.

I’m finishing this little essay on positivity here, on a high note, before it turns again. No, that’s not negative, shoosh you.


Addendum... not helpful, having composed this, you get a wee cartoony face at the bottom, advising you 'how your text may sound to readers'... and it's a screamy one, head all turned blue. I may just give up.

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