Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Intake day at umc

Drukte van belang hiero! very impressive actually.

Am typing this on the overhead monitor and keyboard. Still one handed and not ideal but better than the tablet ... and don't speak to me about my stupid laptop!

Two bed room but alone so far...perfect! Arrived here at 11:15 and have so far seen: the receptionist, a hostess (leads you to your room!) ward nurse (medical questionnaire), lunch lady (3 times), an intern (more questions and an exam), the ward doc and assistant (repeat of intern), the surgeon, the social worker, the library lady, the anaeathisist, another ward nurse and still to come, the asst. surgeon. All very nice too.

I'm scheduled for my op around noon tomorrow so will no doubt be starving by then... knowing me. With luck I should be awake and compus mentus by around 5pm... surely? J will only come down then as not much cope if I'm just lying slavering into my pillow, or worse, throwing up and talking gibberish. He left here arounf four... all very emotional. Daft in a way as I'm fine and not scared or anything but... well it is full knockout and things do happen. But I will be fine.

I have had so many well wishers commenting on FB... very heartening!

Yesterday morning I was up at stupid o'clock (4:30) as had been tossing and turning for a while already. Of course about this op and my hearing in general. I thought to write some in here but instead I blew up my laptop and lost a whole year's files... photos, jobs, writings, emails, installed programmes, updates, the lot. After NOT topping myself I ate a bit breakfast and went back to bed by which time it was 7:30. Late up (later than usual) I took a long bath, the longer to avoid facing my laptop disaster and the rest of the day was spent fulminating at my desk trying to fix things (HaHa).  What I had wanted to blog about was this...

What DO I really hear?

Seems a silly question but I have often noticed that I attribute a sound in my head, to a particular movement. I'm not sure if I can make myself clear without sounding like a lunatic. For example: In the bath, I can't wear my hearing aids of course. But I do hear sounds that actually... I don't think I do. If I rub my hand along the tub it makes a squeaky wet sound... doesn't it? But  wonder if actually I only FEEL it through my fingers? My feet sliding up and down the bottom of the bath... swish swish? Now that's such a  quiet sound... maybe I just feel it? Because if I look away...nope. I know I'm making a sound so 'fill it in'. Not looking, I don't think I do hear it!

I've thought about this for some time now but have never spoken about it. Like, if I see a dog running, I hear feet on the grass, puffing noises, that sort of thing. Sounds I can't really be hearing. My aids do pick up a lot but I know I'm not hearing this type of thing. I do hear the wind in the trees... I think? Haha, now I have myself wondering... but yeah I do.

So now I'm excited to know how things are going to sound  with the CI. Tomorrow is HITHday (hole-in-the-head day) then I have three weeks of one hearing aid only until SOday (switch-on day), then it's all systems go! I am to get a short wire version and a Med El Rondo, which is just what I fancied after reading up on it. Hope I sleep well tonight but am sure to catch up tomorrow aternoon! Just had the nurse in to give me a jab in my stomach for combatting thrombosis so will close this now. Woohoo... here I go.

1 comment:

  1. I know exactly what you are talking about. You remember what you actually heard years ago. I wish you well with this operation. Will be thinking about you.


Pleased to hear if you have any comment...keep it clean, I will not be monitoring things.