Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Tigofa Years

'It's bloody Saturday again already.'

I hear myself say it and realise... I say this, or similar, A LOT! Probably at least five times a week on the varying days in varying ways but all saying the same thing. 'Sheesh, Monday again already!' 'Woohoo, Friday again already!' It's like my life is racing away, despite the sedentary pace I tend to work. Apart from being a tad, well, predictable, it's infinitely boring. I should attempt to be a better conversationalist at the very least.

But it's true, it's Saturday again already! It's quite the phenomenon that you notice time flying by as you get older. It's already nearly Christmas for goodness sake! I'm sure there's a word for it. Bonkers! I hear you say, yeah, you're a hoot 'n a half.

Not actually knowing what the-older-you-get-the-faster-time-seems-to-go, is called - honestly, it's like 'you'll have had your tea!' and 'you're out of here!' all wrapped into one - I've decided to call it The Time Goes Fast Years... abbreviated to Tigofa... The Tigofa Years. Copyright, me! I'm not sure where exactly to lay the emphasis, I will leave that to the user. It's a wee bit reminiscent of The Big Yin's 'gettyfu' but with less sweary connotations. I would actually like the tigofa years to gettyfu but there is no taming them.

So, The Tigofa Years... you're welcome. Feel free to use it any time it's appropriate but remember where you heard of this life period first so-called. There's your childhood, your teenage, prime of life, middle age, then it seems to jump to The Tigofa Years! I'm quite chuffed with it and anything that makes the tigofa years go by with less irritation can't be a bad thing. Maybe somebody could invent the Slothfudo Years too though. (I'll leave that with you to decipher, answers on a postcard please ;) ).

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