Thursday, January 31, 2019

Exciting news!

I'm getting an upgrade!

It's five years since my implant and switch on so, here in NL you are automatically in line for a new CI processor. I say 'automatically' but couldn't stop thinking about it and thought it would be a shame if it was delayed so, I 'enquired; hehe. 'Well yes, you are due in a couple of weeks' (switch on was three weeks after implant so only dates from that day... of course). My being a tad previous got the ball rolling and my spanking new MedEl Rondo 2 is now ordered and once 'in house' I will get appointments for a fitting.

I'm wondering if it will make much difference sound wise so it's quite exciting. Convenience wise, I will no longer have to buy batteries as you just charge it up every night. Hoping that goes smoothly! Should save at least a hundred bucks a year. Not a lot, given that the thing costs many thousands, so not complaining about having had to spend that much, just saying. It's also slightly smaller and lighter. There is still no direct Bluetooth connection unless wearing an audio loop but that's no insurmountable problem.

Watch this space for how it all goes.

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