Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Catching up with blethers

I notice it was last November, NO, 2 years ago! when I posted anything here... time flies eh? I knew I'd never keep up any kind of momentum when I don't actually have a particular subject (like my fabulous super duper CI) to expound upon. My 'blethers' have condescended into just that... just flapping my fingers on the keyboard to put into writing some of the bollix my head comes up with. Nothing wrong with that really, not hurting anyone.

Today though, I do want to get this lot out there. It's not in the least interesting, but it's in my head so, having the outlet, I'm using it. It's this.

What ARE those things in the bath?

I was lying stewing in my own dirt (as someone most unhelpfully called it once) and my eye caught them. Those things, hanging on the tap. They've been there for years already, some more years than others and frankly, I still don't know how or why (although it was me that hung them there). They are generally added to annually and 'older' ones have been disposed of intermittently, but yet they proliferate. I currently have six of them (2 in the shower) where one would still have me asking 'what the hell are you?' In all honesty, I've used one quite conveniently as a shower scourer (because I hate the colour of it) and I did once skoosh up some shower gel in the other... quite satisfactorily if I'm honest and yes I keep them apart... but it's plastic netting! It's plastic. Netting.

I honestly don't know what they're called. They're plastic, netting, and artfully intended to resemble... a flower? Who knows?! They come in all shades, some even two-toned (although that could actually just be one leeching into the other) and are variously hung on ribbon or cord. I just know you have them too. Be honest now.

Have you ever tried deconstructing one? You untie the centre 'pompom' knot and lo, you have... a length of plastic netting? What? Why? Where does this stuff come from? I refuse to believe there's a shop full of them, (please!) they only (usually) come in those 'luxury' selection boxes of bath goodies... the oil of ilang ilang and the cream foam bath of frangipani... and I just don't believe anyone ever shops for one... 'Oh, I think I need a new plastic netting pompom, I will dash off now to the plastic netting pompom shop and stock up on a few!' This does not happen. We only 'acquire' them and yet there are millions! (I'm rather extrapolating, six to 'millions' but I do believe I'm not wrong here).. This means there is a factory somewhere. It's not just the off-cuts of some bigger production line (it's not, is it?) so somewhere, this plastic netting is being made specifically to make up these things. Why? Well I know why, because some smart Alec saw the potential. But I contend, nobody buys these things. Nobody. We get them given to us. In among other items we may or may not have requested but yet are happy enough to receive. I'm trying to think of something else that has inveigled it's way into our lives in the same way and can only think of a parasite, like worms or something. 

So I'm just wondering, as I know these boxes are thought about, designed even... who thought (and it's been a few years now but really, in the grand scheme of things, fairly recently.. ) who was it that thought, 'oh let's fill that hole there with plastic netting screwed up into a 'cute' pompom. Nice! That totally finishes our deluxe offering!' This obviously did happen. This obviously does continue to happen. I can only ponder, why!

But see now I'm wondering, who makes these things!? Who? Where? oh please tell me it's not some 8 year old in a cellar somewhere. If you look closely, the netting does rather resemble the little bags you get chocolate coins in? Also only around this time of year, yes Christmas. So they were messing with those little bags and somebody thought, hey, if we do THIS and then THIS... yeah, that's us sorted for those empty spaces in the bath packs! Hooray! And oh we can make them all different colours (usually red on the chocolate coin bags... or gold?) and we can convince the world they need them hehehe' (evil laugh).

How does that work? If you were to go right back to the very first one, how, people, in all that's holy, how did it come to this! You need a new toilet bag? Here's one and oh, there's a wee added extra! My make-up bag is so tatty, need a new one and oh a brush too? AND a whatjamacallit! Fab! Going to the gym? You need this pack of slippers, towel and... you get it. You GET it.

So it was a long bath, I like to soak a while. Then I shower (been really put off with the 'stewing in your own dirt' line, so I shower after my bath) but I'm damned if I will use that thing there. I'll hang it up, collect the buggers (I just know there's a couple more in the drawers in the room somewhere) but I'm not playing the game and will not utilise any of them! I'm nothing if not a rebel.

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