Wednesday, August 06, 2014

My First Rock Concert with CI

VERY impressive!

Not really a lot to say about it other than that. But allow me to blether a bit more.

J and I took the train from Almere in NL to Dortmund in Germany. Roughly three hours to get there (4 back, no express). We had tickets for a small venue in the suburbs there. We were off to see a particular favourite of J's... the headliners not even being the one he wanted to see.

Steve Kimock, playing with one Billy Goodman, were the support act for Moe... all familiars, but Kimock was who we'd only just missed seeing in San Francisco years ago when he played with Zero and his guitar playing is legendary so he was the man J really wanted to see. I just go along for the ride although I generally love it all... when I can hear it reasonably enough.

I honestly didn't think I'd hear too great as the house stereo, which is a good one, doesn't come over all that well. So imagine the surprise when I realised I was hearing things fabulously! And things improved too. All these years of numerous concerts... ach, I heard not bad, but as things are very loud, I normally switched my HAs off to start with, then I'd keep trying them switched on to see if I could actually hear a particular instrument. Usually... not so much!

But what I was hearing now via my CI... wow! Yes, loud, but not uncomfortably so. When it did get too loud, I used my remote and turned reception down a couple of taps and lost the buzz sound that was occurring... then the implant seemed to 'learn'... or my brain did?... and it sounded just fine and I could turn it up again.

I took my CI off my head for a few moments to try what I could hear with my one hearing aid... HAH! virtually nothing useful! Rondo quickly back on my head... this was just GREAT.

Billy and Steve were just, well... fantasmagorical, so good. Moe were pretty darned fabby too actually but we left before the very end to avoid the rush for taxis being ordered back to our hotel (no other way for us to get there really). There were maybe 75 folks in the crowd, so a nice intimate atmosphere and J got to speak to both Billy and Steve... and Steve's wife and kids for that matter as 'stage-door Jimmy' hung about to get his new CDs signed and they were really nice about it.
Steve and Billy
I feel I can really judge now... such a full sound for just two guys with guitars!
So I'm well pleased with my Rondo's functioning, believe me. Never expected it to be quite so good as this and can't wait for further gigs - although we have nothing in the pipeline at the moment.

I'm now wondering just all what I've missed over the years!

1 comment:

  1. You my dear, are just a 'stage-door Jimmy' groupie.


Pleased to hear if you have any comment...keep it clean, I will not be monitoring things.